Meet JoAnne Baldwin-Glenn


Diagnosis: ER+ BC in December 2011 at age 43 while I was 2.5 years in to a 5 year stint living in New Orleans, LA

Treatment: Mastectomy

Currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer? Tamoxifen since February 2012

Did you have a regular exercise regimen before joining ROW? Walking our dogs

When did you join ROW? January 2015

Thoughts from JoAnne: “After moving back to Chicago during the summer of 2014, my regular exercise was walking our dogs. Not the most intense workout, but it did keep me moving—and meeting some of our neighbors. One of those neighbors was Joan who during a conversation one morning in March 2015, mentioned this cool program called ROW and invited me to an open house.

Following my cancer diagnosis, I was like Goldilocks, looking for support and ways of accepting my new life as a BC survivor, but finding most of my options ‘too little’ or ‘too big’ but nothing ‘just right’. I wanted a support group that moved and an athletic endeavor that offered emotional/social support, but I couldn’t find this mix. Instead I found most of my options limited to either support only or exercise only, but nothing combined. Meeting Joan, finding out about ROW and joining the team has made a huge difference in my life. HUGE.

ROW is my opportunity to develop friendships with other women who “get” breast cancer while becoming a member of a cool community and getting a terrific workout. The support—from the coaches, the rest of the ROW ladies, and the volunteers—has been fantabulous. I have also been amazed at how much I enjoy the movement and practice of rowing itself and the high I get when I am practicing on the water. I even appreciate the ergs!

Recovery on Water is my ‘just right’.”